Garrick and I try Nsima for the first time, a paste made from refined corn flour that you roll in your
hand and dip in a tomato based meat sauce. All Malawians we have encountered cannot believe that we don't have Nsima in the US, as a Malawian "cannot become full" without it.A typical scene: women fill huge buckets of water to carry back to their households, while men sit chatting just across the street.
We gnaw on pieces of sugar cane, a local treat. You peel the bark off with your teeth, chew and suck the sweet nectar and spit out the pulp. Everyone had a good laugh at me because I couldn't get the bark off.
Little guys at the latrine project in a small village outside of Thyolo. A couple of them are part of the work crew.
Scenes from the bumpy dirt road. Mt. Mulange is in the background in this shot.
The tea estates stretch for kilometers in the hilly area of the Shire Highlands. The leaves are all handpicked.
A little gecko that came out to our patio in the night. Lizards have been the extent of our wildlife experiences so far.